Fairy tags printables

Fairy labels printables

Fairy tags printables

Fairy tags printables

School has started again in France. It’s time to organise every day rythme according to everyone’s planning.

Thinking about this and about stationary used for school, I drew 5 tags for notepads & books while I was in Holidays in Brittany this summer.

May be I got inspired by the wild beauty of Brittany. I took the chance to draw character I like very much: elves, faeries and leprechauns.

It can be a good activity with children to pick who, from the Moon faery to the Leaves sprite, will land on the exercice book. It’s up to you and then to fulfill the text with you best lettering.

If you are looking for other tags, take a look at my previous post on tags inspired by Nature: Ederberry Tags printable.


Fairy tags printables

>> Fairy tags printables


Fairy tags printables


Fairy tags printables

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