Soon, I hope, I will have a 300th sale on my Etsy Shop of Printables: Papier Bonbon. I wanted to celebrate this event with you with a 20% Off coupon code on the shop and to talk a little bit more about it with fun facts and photographs.
This blog is obviously about printables for it is the blog of the shop. Nonetheless, I suppose I talk about many things since I love blogging. But today let’s stick to the subject by sharing some fun facts about the shop.
I opened the shop on an impulse thinking I’d love to sell things I created. And for once I just put the horse before the cart and gave it a try.
The first item I created was a giant pumpkin puppet from the website I created for children (Minus et Gadouille). Then I imagined a Halloween party kit with this puppet.
I was thrilled when I clicked on the publish button (just like on the blog): it was on the 13th of October 2014.
At the time, I knew little about Etsy. I was surprised when people started to favorite my listings, I discovered then the whole community…
Later, I created an printable Advent calendar for I am passionate about Advent calendars. I was hooked.
I still have plenty of ideas & projects. Now it’s only my agenda & every day life that decide the rhythm of Papier Bonbon development. Largely slower than I would like.
And now facts, I hoped you will enjoy.
My first Item: the giant pumpkin puppet.
I shot a whole series of photographs about it. (You can it see on the blog: My pumpkin friend a giant puppet)
Papier Bonbon around the world
It is so great to imagine my boxes or craft activities around the world.
Customer by countries top 10 for Papier Bonbon
- France
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- Australia
- Germany
- Italy
- Mexico
- Russia
- Belgium
And I got sales too in New-Zeland, Singapour, South Korea, Indonesia, South Africa , Malaysia…
Strangest search request
- easter box made out of creal boxs
- sea jules
- vampire pumpkin
- robe princesse jaune (Yellow princess dress for obviously I don’t sell dresses)
My top sale item
It is the 2014 Advent Calendar. It’s funny how I made it so easily whereas I usually spend too much time thinking and questioning what I am doing.
- Valentine party Favor Gift boxes
My most active day
On March 26th 2016, Etsy Finds, Etsy newsletter selected my printable chick boxes just before Easter. I was so pleased. I hit 1943 visits and had 25 sales this day.
One of my best customer feedback
There are a few warm reviews but this is a recent one.
“Such an amazing, convenient and adorable product! I had the most unique Easter table settings with your product and I didn’t even have to leave the house. Thank you for making my life easier! Muah!!!”
My latest listing: Kokeshi boxes
You may have noticed that I found inspiration in japanese patterns & flowers lately. My last listing is a set of 5 printable gift boxes in the shape of kokeshis: japanese dolls. I wanted to created something really cute (kawaï) inspired by geishas and pattern from kimonos.
Youtube channel
It’s fascinated to try to show precisely what we do and to explain DIY. Therefore I started a youtube channel for Papier Bonbon: 10 tutorial videos shot so far. I am quite proud for it is quite time consuming.
Excuse my french
I am french and try here to blog in english as well for my customers are hugely from the USA. I can speak english but it is so hard to write a blog in a language that is not your mother tongue. So excuse me if my sentences are sometimes clumsy. I am just hoping it is not too awkward but rather charming ? 😉
Here we are: I am so pleased to have shared little things from my shop Papier Bonbon. The work I did to build it taught me a lot on many subjects including on myself. I hope this little tour made you want to visit the shop again or to discover it: Papier Bonbon on Etsy.
And let’s not forget the 20% Off coupon code on the shop: HAPPYPAPER20, till may 31st 2016. (Below a short video I made to explain how to use coupon code on Etsy.)